Welcome to Chocolate's photographs. We hope you enjoy coming here.
Wilkommen bei Chocolate's Fotos. Wir hoffen dass es Ihnen hier gefällt.

Bitte denkt daran, dass Schokolade nie weniger als 52% haben darf und immer mit Sorgfalt gehandhabt werden muss.
Remember that chocolate should never be less than 52% and always handled with care.

Here we have pictures of hands to identify.

They will pass by fairly quickly.
Try to recognise whether each one is left or right.
Transition time seconds (up to 10)

Here we have pictures of hands to copy:
Left hands   Mixed   Right hands

Kommen Sie doch mal wieder.
Please do come back and take another look around the Record.

Pure Chocolate

Photographs copyright © 2005 Physiotherapy Department
St Thomas Hospital
Script copyright © 2005 Stuart Moffatt
Contact me